Thursday, November 18, 2010

5 down and gone

I am happy to say that I have maintained my five pounds during this dreaded 3rd week of the lunar cycle. I have compiled a short list of my favorite habits that I have incorporated into my daily routine. I wanted to share them and where I found these lovely gems.

1. Cut Out SODA - Dr. McBarron, Dr. Oz and my Dr. (I see a pattern)
2. Walk 10 minutes a day; if it's raining you get wet! - Dr. McBarron
3. Do not eat snack larger than your fist - Dr. Oz
4. Weight your self every day for accountability - Dr. Oz
5. Eat 3 whole fruits a day - Dr. McBarron (I added 3 Veggies too!)
6. Do not eat after Dark (Dr. McBarron) or 3 hours before bed (Dr. Oz)
7. Drink Water, not soda, tea or coffee - Dr. McBarron. I cheat and have one cup of coffee in the morning but I off set it w/ an additional 20 oz of water.

If you would like to search for tips and tricks that will help you, I suggest you start here:
Dr. McBarron's 100+ Weight Loss Tips

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