We have a new kitty. Her name is Chloe. Well to go along with all the fun of a young cat, we have all the NOT SO fun of older cats being upset about the new addition.
One of our cats, Cougar, who is the male and Beta Cat is very upset. Upset to the point that he is afraid to go to the litter box. Well we tried to help him but, we were not sure what to do. While we were trying to figure that out, Cougar decided to let us know just how mad he was about Chloe. He peed on my clothes and on Dave's side of the bed. Then in Sam's (the other cats) favorite bed.
After talking to a friend from Paws Humane we moved a litter box into the Living Room in a corner. We did not want to do that but it was either that or have Cougar pee every where.
I took to the internet to find a way to clean cat pee. If you don't know, cat pee is very hard to get out of anything. The smell is strong. Well I found a site that suggested I used apple cider vinegar.
I am glad to say it worked. I washed all the bedding and clothes in the washer adding in 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar to each load. I did a 3 to 1 mix in a squirt bottle and cleaned all the spots (including several spots I see Cougar sniffing a lot). So far no repeat peeing.
My friend at Paws Humane also suggested that we keep all the cats out of our bedroom until we are sure the situation is resolved. That has gone well. Sam is the cat that is most used to sleeping with us and she will come in the room and stay most of the night. I was kinda bummed about having to keep the door closed but it has been wonderful for my sleep patterns.
So..Here is hoping this cat newness gets resolved soon. Perhaps Cougar might man up. He has got a good 10 pounds on Chloe.