Monday, November 15, 2010

Weight Loss is all in your Mind.

Sometimes Weight Loss is all in your mind. It is all about what you THINK you CAN do. You make decisions to eat better, drink water and exercise. It is all about the decisions you can make every day. Sometimes no matter how much positive self talk you give yourself every day, it just does nothing to motivate you.

I want to be healthy. I want to be under 200 pounds. I want to have a smaller waist line. Good health is my goal.

My last blog chronicled my hopeful restart of my weight loss, again. I just finished my 21 day post vacation cleanse. I am very pleased with my results. I have not made 100% great choices but I have lost 5 pounds. The last week was all maintaining those 5 pounds while I took a break from my Fat Burning Shots from Georgia Bariatrics to let my arms heal a bit.

On the day that I felt the worst, I happened to be able to speak to Dr. McBarron at a store event. Just having her listen to me helped. I can not tell you how close I was to crying that day. Dr. McBarron offered me some simple advice. Eat 3 pieces of fruit every day. Take a 10 minute walk every day. I said to myself I CAN DO THAT. So for two days I have done just that. 2 good choices lead to more good choices.

I promised myself a pedicure for 5 pounds lost. I will post pictures. Thank you Dr. McBarron

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